Scooter Soft Beyond Compare

Beyond compare is an excellent file compare utility for Windows (Runs under Wine* perfectly!). It is made by scooter soft. It allows you to compare local folder, Samba/SMB shares, and FTP Locations making it a handy FTP client.

Beyond Compare running under Wine* in Ubuntu (Mac OS theme for Gnome)

BWE's (Best Wiki Ever's) Affiliation with Scooter Soft

BWE's (Best Wiki Ever's) Affiliation with Scooter Soft does not exist. BWE has no affilation with them and they are unaware of this Beyond Compare article. MPG just really loves that program!


Scooter Soft Homepage
Download Trial Version Here there are two folders, one for the installer and the other for the program in a folder. There are also plugins, but you need to register to use them…
Windows diff utility
Thread on Operation420 (Members only)


The downside of this great program is it's freeware… this link may give programs that can do some of the same things as BC…

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